Assess Risk and Suitability Through Comprehensive Diligence

Explore Our Products and Services

In this ever-evolving space, vetting assets, exchanges, and counterparties is the foundation for a solid business. We provide comprehensive, unbiased assessments to help you evaluate risk and make digital asset decisions aligned with your strategy.

Unbiased Token Diligence

Leverage our Asset Vetting Reports to evaluate an asset’s suitability for investment, custody, or other use cases. Our 360-degree token assessments cover 75+ topics, such as price trends, on-chain transaction and user analytics, and liquidity.

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Exchange Price Quality Assessments

Since 2017, DAR’s Exchange Vetting Reports have assessed whether an exchange’s prices may be subject to manipulation by evaluating 50+ metrics, such as trading pair/volume stats, buy/sell patterns, and security.

Report Information:

Our Latest Crypto Exchange Vetting Results

Each quarter, we assess 600+ exchanges for price quality and publish a list of exchanges that meet institutional standards for quality. Click for our latest press release.

Vetted Spot Exchanges - Q3 2024

  • Bitbank

  • Bitfinex

  • bitFlyer

  • BitMart

  • BitoPro

  • Bitstamp

  • Bitvavo

  • Bybit

  • Coinbase

  • Coincheck

  • Crypto.com

  • Cryptology

  • Gemini

  • GMO Coin

  • itBit

  • Kraken

  • LMAX Digital

  • Luno

  • OKCoin Japan

  • Pionex

  • WOO Network

Leverage Our Regulatory Engagement Services

DAR’s Regulatory Engagement Services provide frameworks to help institutions navigate their global regulatory obligations. Since 2019, we’ve met with or received feedback from 20+ regulators in the U.S., U.K./Europe and Asia, including the CFTC, FCA, and SEC.

○  Provide engagement support to help satisfy in-house compliance and external regulators

○  Mitigate risk by using ‘clean’ data with transparent methodologies to underpin products/services

○  Identify risky tokens, black swan events, and reputational risks with Asset Vetting, Exchange Vetting, and Counterparty Reports

Know Your Counterparty & Its Potential Risks

Whether you’re evaluating an exchange, a custodian, an OTC desk, a prime broker, or any other type of counterparty, you can use DAR’s Counterparty Diligence Reports to confirm the counterparty’s organizational controls, policies, and procedures meet the standards you expect.

Reports are customized, but generally include a review of topics such as policies related to organizational structure, KYC/AML, bankruptcy risk.

DAR Difference

600+ Exchanges

Quarterly, DAR accesses over 600+ exchanges for price quality.

Unbiased Diligence

DAR never accepts exchanges or token projects as clients, which allows us to protect against biases and strengthens the objectivity.

Input From 20+ Regulators

Since 2019, DAR has met with or received feedback from 20+ regulators in the U.S., U.K./Europe and Asia, including the CFTC, FCA, and SEC.

See how diligence can help drive your decisions.